
Upbikers: the accessory for tall motorcycles

Lisa Cavalli

When I first heard about Upbikers on social media, I was skeptical. I thought, “If you can’t reach the ground well, there are many other ways to handle it.” You just need to get off the bike, buy boots with lifts, master the technique of shifting your body while stopping, or switch to a different motorcycle. So, what’s the purpose of these accessories?

However, I’ve always believed that judging something superficially without trying it firsthand is always a mistake. Standing at 164 cm, I’ve learned to ride many motorcycles over time, but maneuvering those with a seat height greater than my stature was challenging. At those moments, I wished for those extra centimeters that would give me the peace of mind to enjoy the kilometers without worrying about every stop or needing help to park the motorcycle again.

What are Upbikers?

Upbikers are universal accessories that are placed over boots (or shoes) to increase the height of the front part of the foot, providing better contact with the ground when braking and maneuvering.

Four extra centimeters can make a significant difference, especially if you already wear heeled boots (mine, for example, have a four-centimeter heel and a two-centimeter sole). They consist of two plastic elements that attach to the footwear using Velcro straps—a patented, simple, and very useful system to make life easier for shorter motorcyclists. The package includes the Upbikers, a handy storage bag, and an instruction booklet.

They are universal and can be attached to any type of shoe or boot. The bottom part has an internal shape that allows comfortable riding while gripping the soles on the pedals. The section that will come into contact with the ground has a thicker pattern to ensure a strong grip.

At first glance, they may seem bulky because they cover the tip of the boot and only add centimeters to the metatarsal area, i.e., the shoe platform. However, this is precisely where we need those extra centimeters when stopping or performing maneuvers at a standstill, such as reversing the motorcycle.

On-Bike Test

I’ve tested Upbikers both with ankle boots and touring boots, and in both cases, it was very easy to put them on. The long Velcro strips allow tightening, widening, and securing. My main concern was having difficulty riding, but after a few kilometers of adaptation, I didn’t notice I was wearing them anymore. When I stopped at a stop sign, those 4 centimeters made a difference, giving me the confidence to touch the ground with more than just the tip of my foot.

Upbikers are sturdy and don’t deform under weight, so it feels like putting the boot on the ground. It was even more interesting when I simulated backing out of a parking space. I often find that the soles slip or, in any case, don’t reach the ground well, and I can’t leverage. With Upbikers, I encountered no difficulty, and I can confirm that they helped me.

I’ve covered a hundred kilometers with Upbikers, and I must say I’m surprised by some of the criticisms I’ve read about these accessories. For women who like lightweight accessories and designer clothing, the volume of Upbikers might be excessive, but as seen in the photos, once worn, they are balanced overall.

Important Points to Consider

Transportation: If you’re planning a long trip where you’ll be stopping, it’s better to carry bags or a backpack to store Upbikers. They are not designed for walking, but putting them on and taking them off is very easy and won’t take much time.

Not a Magic Wand: Upbikers are an accessory that can help motorcyclists reach the ground. They are not a magic wand that will make you ride better. If you’re not familiar with your vehicle or are a beginner, it’s better not to look for shortcuts and take a proper riding course.

Patent and Approval: This accessory has been patented by Spanish motorcyclists who wanted to help those with shorter stature feel more comfortable on the motorcycle. Personally, I think it was a brilliant idea, and I know people who use them and feel good.

I asked the company if there was any approval, but this type of accessory doesn’t require any certification. They were so kind and professional that they even attached the response from the Spanish Ministry of Industry.

What I Like About Upbikers

– Designed and patented by motorcyclists

– Durable and excellent quality materials (made in Spain)

– Provide those extra centimeters right where you need them, i.e., at the tips of your toes

– Excellent grip, even on smooth surfaces like garage tiles


Upbikers are a great accessory for those who want to feel more secure on their motorcycles. Those four centimeters really make a difference. Over the years, I’ve seen many women motorcyclists (and men) balancing on the tips of their boots, especially if the motorcycle has a high seat. In those situations, even if you shift your hips, the support is unstable, and you risk falling. Upbikers could be the most cost-effective and easy-to-use solution in these cases, but as mentioned earlier, a motorcyclist should already be familiar with riding.  

Lisa Cavalli
ph. credits MissBiker.com

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